freecycle: to recycle (reuse) by giving away an item for free that otherwise would have been trashed.
See also the definitions for freecycle in the Oxford English Dictionary, dictionary.com, Cambridge Dictionary, Collins Dictionary, and Wiktionary.
The establishment of freecycle as a recognized word makes it truly free for everyone to use.
Trash to Treasure!
Do you want something for free? Or have junk you no longer need? Then try freecycling! It's an easy and environmentally friendly way to get rid of things you don't want and get things you do want -- all for free!
Freecycling has been featured in Salon.com (Nov 25, 2003), The New York Times (March 16, 2004; April 25, 2010), The San Jose Mercury News (Jan 27, 2004; Nov 1, 2006), The Wall Street Journal (May 6, 2004), People (May 10, 2004), The Harvard Crimson (April 22, 2011), and thousands of books, magazines, and publications.
Just about anything can be freecycled -- from toxic waste (left over paints, cleaners, pesticides, etc) -- to toys and clothing -- to the kitchen sink. There are many ways to freecycle and freecyclers usually make house calls to pick things up. To learn how to freecycle, see How To Freecycle and Find a Group!
Freecycle Ethic:
Reuse / Freecycle.
Recycle as a last resort.
Trash as little as possible.
Freecycle Forever is a non-profit association run exclusively by volunteers at near zero cost. It is dedicated to educating people about freecycling so that as many as possible can freecycle.
© 2010-2023 Freecycle Forever. Freecycle is not a trademark in the US. The word "freecycle" is free for everyone to use.